Why JOHN WAYNE NEVER FORGAVE his co-star in BIG JAKE, Chris Mitchum for something he said on TV!


The Hollywood landscape is rife with stories of camaraderie and rivalry, but few tales are as intriguing as the feud that brewed between legendary actor John Wayne and his co-star Chris Mitchum after a seemingly innocuous remark made on television. The incident, which occurred during the production of “Big Jake,” not only strained their working relationship but also highlighted the complexities that can exist behind the scenes in the entertainment industry.

“Big Jake,” a Western film released in the early 1970s, featured John Wayne in the titular role alongside Chris Mitchum, who portrayed Wayne’s on-screen son. The two actors shared a substantial amount of screen time, and their dynamic was pivotal to the film’s success. However, their off-screen relationship took an unexpected turn due to an incident that would linger for years.

The origins of the feud can be traced back to an interview in which Chris Mitchum made a remark about John Wayne on a popular television program. The remark, while seemingly innocuous to some, deeply offended Wayne. The precise details of what was said and the context in which it was said may vary depending on sources, but the crux of the matter lies in Wayne’s perception of the comment as disrespectful and undermining.

John Wayne, known for his larger-than-life persona and steadfast values, was deeply hurt by the remark. It’s crucial to note that Wayne was not only a Hollywood icon but also a man of strong convictions and a certain code of conduct. He took his roles seriously, both on and off the screen, and the entertainment industry was an extension of his personal principles.

The on-set atmosphere during the filming of “Big Jake” reportedly became tense, with Wayne maintaining a cold and distant demeanor towards Mitchum. The camaraderie that may have initially existed between the two was now overshadowed by an unspoken rift. Fellow cast and crew members observed the change, and rumors began to circulate about the reasons behind the palpable tension.


Despite the tension, both Wayne and Mitchum were professionals and managed to complete the film. “Big Jake” was released to a mixed reception, but the behind-the-scenes drama between the two stars was far more captivating than the plot of the movie itself.

As time passed, it became evident that John Wayne’s resentment towards Chris Mitchum was not easily quelled. Reports suggest that Wayne remained steadfast in his decision to distance himself from Mitchum, refusing to forgive him for the perceived slight. The feud persisted even after Wayne’s passing, leaving an unresolved chapter in Hollywood history.

The story of John Wayne’s unforgiving stance towards Chris Mitchum after an on-air remark serves as a reminder that the dynamics of relationships within the entertainment industry can be intricate and deeply personal. It’s a tale of pride, principles, and the undeniable influence that even seemingly small incidents can have on the course of relationships and careers.

Decades later, the feud remains a point of fascination for film enthusiasts and historians alike, shedding light on the intricacies of fame, egos, and the lasting impact of words spoken in the public eye. The tale of John Wayne and Chris Mitchum’s feud stands as a testament to the complexity of human interactions and the legacy of emotions that can endure long after the cameras stop rolling.


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