What happened on the day that JAMES CAAN CALLED JOHN WAYNE A CHEATER on the set of “EL DORADO”?


“El Dorado,” a classic Western film released in 1966, is remembered for its star-studded cast and gripping storyline. However, behind the scenes of this cinematic masterpiece lies a memorable incident that has left an indelible mark on Hollywood history: the day James Caan boldly labeled John Wayne a “cheater.”

The incident in question occurred during the production of “El Dorado,” in which John Wayne played the role of Cole Thornton, a gunslinger enlisted to help a friend maintain law and order in a town besieged by corruption. James Caan, a rising star at the time, portrayed the role of Alan Bourdillon Traherne, a sharpshooter with a charismatic flair.

As with many film sets, tensions can run high, especially when strong personalities and egos collide. On the day in question, a particularly intense scene was being filmed. The details of the scene and the context of the confrontation may vary based on different sources, but the crux of the matter was James Caan’s accusation against John Wayne.

In the midst of filming, Caan allegedly became frustrated with Wayne’s actions during the scene. It’s important to note that John Wayne was not only an accomplished actor but also a figure of authority on set due to his iconic status. According to some accounts, Caan believed that Wayne was intentionally altering the scene to his advantage, making it easier for himself while undermining Caan’s performance.


In a moment that would go down in Hollywood lore, Caan reportedly confronted Wayne on set and exclaimed, “You’re a cheater!” This declaration of discontent reverberated among the cast and crew, creating an atmosphere of tension and curiosity. The incident highlighted the clash between the old guard and the new generation, as well as the intricate dynamics that can emerge when stars of different calibers collaborate.

While the exact details of the confrontation and the aftermath may be subject to interpretation, the incident’s impact is undeniable. It underscored the sometimes complex relationships that exist on film sets, where collaboration and artistic integrity can clash with personal ambitions and creative differences.

Over the years, the “cheater” incident has become a part of Hollywood lore, offering a glimpse into the dynamics of the entertainment industry and the individuals who shape it. It’s worth noting that despite the confrontation, both John Wayne and James Caan continued with their respective careers, leaving an enduring legacy in the world of cinema.

“El Dorado” remains a beloved film, and the tension between its two stars adds a layer of intrigue to its production history. The incident serves as a reminder that even in the glamorous world of Hollywood, where stars shine bright, human emotions and conflicts are an intrinsic part of the creative process.


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